Internet safety practices, the tips and tools to use.

How to secure and safeguard ourselves and gadgets from the malicious act of the online world.

Hey you

Yes, you; have you ever wondered why some of our loved ones fell prey to being scammed of their money, property and all, or is their gadget infected by a virus?

No right? Falling prey to the online world is as simple as listening to music because they came in unexpectedly. Moreover, most of our loved ones are ignorant of the safety measures to take while engaging online and have fall prey to this malicious act of the online world.

The question then would be, "what could I do to avoid falling prey or my loved ones falling prey to this online malicious act?".

Safety practices;

  1. Don't share personal information
  2. Avoid using public Wi-Fi
  3. Install antivirus software
  4. Secure password
  5. Double-check and verify links.
  6. Take phishing seriously

Don't share personal information.

Sharing personal details online can be risky not only in the aspect of identity theft but can also be used to figure out answers to security questions giving the hacker opportunity to commit a crime.

Avoid using public Wi-Fi.

Use only a secured known Wi-Fi; hackers are known to set up fake Wi-Fi hotspots to lure users unsuspectingly. If needed, avoid logging into any of your online accounts or entering personal or financial information.

Install antivirus software.

Antivirus software (abbreviated to AV software), also known as anti-malware, is a computer program used to prevent, detect, and remove malware. Malware is short for malicious software, a virus designed to steal data and damage or destroy a computer system; examples are Trojan, spyware, worm etc. Installing an anti-malware app, for example, "360 Total Security", and keeping it up to date will help defend the PC against malware.

Secure password.

Create a strong password using numbers, alphabets, letters, and symbols to secure your account or creates a two-factor authentication (2FA) and avoid using the same password across sites.

When checking your email or scrolling through social media, make sure you know and trust any links before you click on them. To verify if a link is safe to open, look for the "S" in HTTPS. The "S" indicates that the website uses a secure socket layer, an essential extra layer of security that protects information from a computer to the website's servers.

Take phishing seriously.

Phishing is a scam where thieves attempt to steal personal or financial account information by sending deceptive electronic messages that trick unsuspecting consumers into disclosing personal information.

Tips to imbibe;

  1. Use multiple factors authentication.
  2. Change email and password regularly.
  3. Set privacy & safety settings.
  4. Keep PC updated.

Tools to use in combating the malicious acts of the online world.

  1. Avast Antivirus
  2. Firewalls
  3. Browser setting and flittering software
  4. 360 Total Security.

In conclusion, protecting ourselves and our family falls under our hands and as such, we should emulate these safety practices, tips and tools and share the article for all to see.
